Public Health — (336) 703-3100
Social Services — (336) 703-3800
Behavioral Health — (336) 703-2781
Bridges to Hope — (336) 776-3255

Submit a Request or Complaint

The Environmental Health Division endeavors to assist the residents and visitors of Forsyth County in resolving concerns related to the program areas of the division. There are a variety of questions that are routinely submitted to the division that are best addressed by other agencies. A brief list of the most common issues and the appropriate contact information is listed below. If your question or complaint is not in the list, please use the form at the bottom of the page to contact the Environmental Health Division.

Concern Contact Agency
Air Quality, Mold/Mildew, Asbestos Forsyth County Office of Environmental Assistance & Protection
Packaged food, bakeries, food warehouses, produce stands N.C. Department of Agriculture
Housing and Lot Conditions inside Winston Salem City Limits Community Services and Business Development
Dead Animal Removal (within 10 feet of County roadside) Roadside Dumping Illegal Dumping inside city limits Department of Transportation
Winston Salem City Limits
Nail Salons, Beauty Shops N.C. Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners
Landfills Hanes Mill Landfill
Tanning Salons N.C. Radiation Protection
Underground Storage Tanks N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Kernersville Building Permits Town of Kernersville

Required fields *

Find Us on Social Media

Public Health

Social Services

Animal Shelter

Public Health

799 North Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-703-3100
Fax: 336-748-3292

Social Services

741 North Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-703-3800
Fax: 336-748-3292

Bridges to Hope

725 North Highland Avenue
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: 336-776-3255

Animal Shelter

5570 Sturmer Park Circle
Winston Salem, NC 27105
Phone: 336-703-2480